Dr. Chika Florence Ikeogu is a SENIOR LECTURER in FISHERY AND AQUATECHNOLOGY Department, Faculty Of Agriculture in Nnamdi Azikiwe University
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Email: | |
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Address: | Fishery And Aquatechnology, Faculty Of Agriculture, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. |
Degrees / Basic Certificates | |
1 | Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka School of Postgraduate Studies. (Doctor of Philosophy, July, 2021) October, 2013 to March, 2020 PhD Fisheries |
2 | Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka School of Postgraduate Studies. (Master Degree, May, 2013) March, 2010 to May, 2013 Master Of Science Fisheries |
3 | Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka School of Postgraduate Studies. (Master Degree, October, 2003) October, 1998 to October, 2000 Master Of Business Admin Business Admin |
4 | Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka School of Postgraduate Studies. (Post-Graduate Degree, August, 2001) March, 1996 to October, 1998 Post Graduate Business Admin Business Admin |
5 | University of Nigeria Nsukka. (Bachelor Degree, April, 1990) October, 1983 to October, 1989 Doctor Of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine |
Other / Relevant Certificates | |
1 | College of Veterinary Surgeons Nigeria (December, 2021) September, 2014 to April, 2021 Post Graduate Fellowship Diploma Aquatic Veterinary Medicine |
1 | Head of Department 2014-2019 and 2022, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka April, 2012 to Present |
Journal Articles | |
1 | CC Ikechukwu, CT Madu, CF Ikeogu, OA Akinrotimi, CG Nwankwo and P. Merit. (2023, May), "The Roles of Women in Aquaculture in Selected Riverine Communities of Anambra state.", Journal of Aquaculture and Livestock Production, Vol. 4, pp 121 |
2 | Akinrotimi OA, Ikeogu CF and Anyaobu-Cookey IK. (2023, May), "Survival of Tilapia guineensis fingerlings transported with different plant extracts as anaesthetics.", Journal of Fisheries Research, Vol. 7, (Issue 3), pp 141 |
3 | Akinrotimi OA, Ikeogu CF and Anyaobu-Cookey IK. (2023, April), "Efficacy of Rauwolfia Vomitoria Root Extracts as Anaesthetic Agents in African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)", International journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture, Vol. 7, (Issue 2), pp 235 |
4 | Ikeogu CF, Akinrotimi OA and Ogiridiri AS.. (2023, April), "Assessment of heavy metals in water and some shell fishes Crassostrea gasar, Callinectus amnicola and Tympanotonos fuscatus from Buguma creek, Rivers state, Nigeria.", International Journal of water research, Vol. 5, (Issue 2), pp 150 |
5 | Ikeogu CF, Akinrotimi OA and Onyekperem. (2023, April), "Evaluation of heavy metals in water and selected shrimps (Panaeus africanus, Penaus monodon, Penaeus notialis) from Buguna creek, rivers state, Nigeria", International Journal of water research, Vol. 5, (Issue 2), pp 150 |
6 | Ikeogu C.F, Ofuokwu EC, Ezembu E.N, Amuneke K.E, Oguntade O.R and Akinrotimi O.A. (2023, August), "Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Levels in Clarias gariepinus Dried with Traditional and Modern Smoking Kiln", International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture |
7 | Edoziem, N., Ude, E. F, Ikeogu, C. F, Ikwor, T.N.. (2023, November), "VOLUNTARY FEED INTAKE AND GROWTH RESPONSE OF Clarias gariepinus FINGERLINGS TO ad libitum", Journal of Science of Agriculture, Food Technology and the Environment, Vol. 2, (Issue 20), pp 40 |
8 | IKEOGU, C. F., OKPALAEZENNIA, K.P. and EGWUDIKE, A.C.. (2022, June), "Growth performance of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) juveniles cultured with fish feeds formulated with different nutritional components.", AGROBIOLOGICAL RECORDS |
9 | IKEOGU, C. F., UZOMA, O. S., OKPALA-EZENNIA, K. P., OGBONNAYA, H. F. and NWANKWO, C.G.. (2022, March), "Socio-Economic assessment of fisherfolks in Anaku community, Ayamelum Local Government Area of Anambra state, Nigeria: A base for potential aquaculture development.", International Journal of Environmental and Agriculture Research |
10 | IKEOGU, C. F., UZOMA, O. S., OKPALA-EZENNIA, K. P., OGBONNAYA, H. F. and NWANKWO, C.G.. (2022, February), "Evaluation of suitability of Omambala river in Anaku community for aquaculture production.", International Journal of Environmental and Agriculture Research |
11 | OGBONNAYA,H.F., IKEOGU,C.F.,EDEH, I.C. and UZOMA, O.S.. (2021, January), "Gender role in the construction and operation of traditional fishing gears in fishing communities of Anambra state, Nigeria.", Unknown Journal or Publisher |
12 | EDE,I.C.NSOFOR,C.I.,IKEOGU,C.F., AMOBI,M.I. IKECHUKWU,C.C. OGBONNAYA, H.F. and AVWERNOYA, F.. (2021, March), "Comparative study on the growth and survival of Heteroclarias fry fed on Artemia nauplii and Moina micrura.", The Bioscientist Journal |
13 | C.F. Ikeogu, O.O. Ikpeze, T.O. Omobowale and B.E. Olufemi. (2020, November), "Ascorbic Acid Effect on Glyphosate-induced Hematological and Serological Pathology in Juveniles of the Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae) Burchell,1822", Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary Sciences |
14 | C.F. Ikeogu, O.O. Ikpeze, T.O. Omobowale and B.E. Olufemi. (2020, November), "Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Glyphosate-Induced Residues in Muscles of Juvenile Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)", Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research |
15 | IKEOGU C. F, OGBONNAYA H. F, OKPALA-EZENNIA K.P AND OFORAH P.C. (2020, June), "Effects of two feeding rates on the growth performance of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings fed on Skretting fish feed.", Global Journal of Fisheries Science |
16 | IKEOGU,C.F.,OGBONNAYA,H.F.,OKPALA-EZENNIA,K.P. AND NWANKWO C.G. (2020, July), "Heavy metal analysis of consumer fish sold in three selected markets in Awka, Anambra state Nigeria.", Singapore Journal of Scientific Research |
17 | AMUNEKE K.C, OGUNTADE O.R, IKEOGU C.F AND NOMEH U.A. (2020, March), "Effect of natural preservatives on the organoleptic characteristics and storage stability of smoked Heterotis niloticus.", Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension. |
18 | IKEOGU C.F, OGBONNAYA H.F OKPALAEZENNIA K.P AND OBUAKOR G.I. (2020, May), "Challenges of women involved in fishing activities (A case study of Otuocha, Anambra state, Nigeria): A SWOT analysis.", Global Journal of Fisheries Science |
19 | EZEMBU, E.N, OKOLO C.A, OBIEGBUNA J AND IKEOGU C.F. (2019, May), "Acute toxicity and anti-diabetic activity of Asystacia gangetica leaf ethanol extract.", Nutrition and Food Science |
20 | IKEOGU N.M., IKEOGU C.F., AND EZEH I.O.. (2018, June), "Effects of methanol leaf extract of Annona muricata (MEAM) on the serum chemistry of Trypanosoma brucei infected albino rats.", World Journal of Research and Review |
21 | .IKEOGU N.M., IKEOGU C.F., AND EZEH I.O., AND ONAH D.N.. (2018, September), "In vitro and In vivo assessment of the antitrypanosomal activity of methanol leaf extract of Annona muricata (MEAM) on the blood parameters of Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected albino rats.", International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research |
22 | IKEOGU C. F., NSOFOR, C. I., IGWILO I. O., AND NGENE A. A.. (2017, October), "The effects of crude oil on the blood parameters and serum enzymes of the African Catfish", Clarias gariepinus Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Bioscientific Research |
23 | IKEOGU C. F., NSOFOR, C. I., IGWILO I. O., AND NGENE A. A.. (2016, March), "Heamatological and Serological Responses of Clarias gariepinus to Sub lethal Concentrations of Lead Nitrate.", Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Bioscientific Research. |
24 | IKEOGU, C. F., NSOFOR, C. I., IKPEZE O. O., EZEASOR S. A., AND NWAOGU I. C.. (2016, April), "Histopathological Changes in Liver of Clarias Gariepinus Fish exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of Lead Nitrate and Crude Oil", Advances in Bioresearch |
25 | IKEOGU, C. F., NSOFOR, C. I., IKPEZE O. O., NWUBA L. A., EZEASOR S. A., AND NWAOGU I. C.. (2016, March), "Histopathological Alterations in Gills of Catfish and Changes in Aquarium pH, Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen due to Lead Nitrate and Crude Oil.", Advances in Bioresearch |
26 | IKEOGU, C.F., NSOFOR, C.I., AND EZEH, C.C.. (2014, June), "Assessment of the limnological parameters of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Stream, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria for fish production.", Unknown Journal or Publisher |
27 | NSOFOR, C.I., IKPEZE, O.O., NGENEGBO, U.C., IKEOGU, C.F., AND OKONKWO, J.C.. (2014, May), "Histopathological alterations in the liver and kidney of the fish chrysichthys nigrodigitatus due to heavy metals in Niger River.", Journal of Natural Sciences Research |
28 | IKEOGU C.F, NSOFOR C.I, IGWILO I.O, IKPEZE O.O, UMEOGUAGU O.F AND OKONKWO C.J.. (2014, June), "Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in shellfish macrobrachium rosenbergi in Niger River at Onitsha Anambra State, Nigeria.", International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences |
29 | IKEOGU C.F., NSOFOR C.I., AND IGWILO I. I.. (2013, May), "Toxicity of Lead Nitrate and Crude Oil on the growth of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus.", International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences |
Dissertations | |
Conference Papers | |
1 | IKEOGU C.F., NSOFOR C.I. AND IKPEZE O.O.. (2010, October), "A Review of risk factors for Fish Diseases in aquatic environment", |
Supervisions | |
1 | "Teach a (wo)man to fish: An impact assessment of position in the aquaculture value chain on the livelihoods and food security of women in Eastern Nigeria." (2018). Completed Masters project by Nnamdi Onyechi 6193676 |
Editorships | |
1 | Editor, "Proceeding of the 1st Faculty of Agriculture International Conference, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria" (March, 2023) |
2 | Editor, "Journal of Fisheries Research" (June, 2022) |
3 | Editor, "Global Journal of Fisheries Science" (October, 2019) |
Reviewerships | |
1 | Reviewer, "Do quality standards affect the growth of the fisheries sector in Cameroon?" (January, 2021) |
Examinerships | |
1 | Examiner, "PhD Thesis Evaluation" (April, 2023). Ongoing External Exam |
2 | Chief Examiner, "Undergraduate External Examination" (March, 2022). Ongoing External Exam |
Contributions to the University/Society | |
1 | Member, "NAU Senate committee on International Collaboration and Linkages" (October, 2019 to July, 2023) |
2 | Member, "NAU Senate committee on Animal Research Ethics" (October, 2019 to October, 2021) |
3 | Member, "NAU Committee to articulate the achievements of VC Prof Ahaneku from 2014 to 2019" (July, 2018 to May, 2019) |
4 | Member, "NAU Central Ethics Committee" (October, 2014 to October, 2019) |
1 | Fellow Member, "College of Veterinary Surgeons Nigeria" (member since 2021), https://cvsn.ng |
2 | Full Member, "Fisheries Society of Nigeria" (member since 2014), https://www.fison.org.ng |
3 | Full Member, "World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association" (member since 2014), https://www.wavma.org |
4 | Full Member, "World Aquaculture Society" - 20130257 (member since 2013), https://www.was.org |
5 | Full Member, "Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association" (member since 1990), https://nvma.org.ng |
6 | Life Member, "Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International Nigeria" (member since 1989), https://fgbmfi-nigeria.org.ng |
7 | Full Member, "Veterinary Council of Nigeria" - 002343 (member since 1989), https://www.vcnng.com |
Conferences | |
1 | "world Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association (WAVMA) 2022 Congress", (University of Pretoria), 4th December, 2022 to 7th December, 2022; Future Africa Campus, University of Pretoria, South Africa |
2 | "Real Life Veterinary Impact", (Association of Christian Veterinarians), 24th July, 2020 to 25th July, 2020; zoom |
3 | "General Agriculture Techniques", (African Regional Aquaculture Centre), 30th May, 2016 to 3rd June, 2016; African Regional Aquaculture Centre, Rivers State. |
4 | "4th International Conference on Giant African Snail", (Research Network on Giant African Land Snails (NetGALS)), 1st June, 2015 to 1st June, 2015; Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State |
5 | "Aquaculture Conference", (world Aquaculture Society (WAS)), 9th February, 2014 to 12th February, 2014; Seattle, Washington, USA |
6 | "Faculty of Agriculture, NAU Awka, Maiden Conference", (Faculty of Agriculture), 2nd February, 2014 to 2nd February, 2014; Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State |
7 | "Aquaculture 2013 Conference", (world Aquaculture Society (WAS)), 21st February, 2013 to 25th February, 2013; Nashville Tennesse, USA |
8 | "Current Advances in Fish Health and Production Management", (Christian Veterinarians of Nigerial (CVN)), 11th September, 2012 to 15th September, 2012; University of Ibadan |
9 | "Aquaculture Biosecurity Training", (World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association), International convention Centre, Cape Town |
Workshops | |
1 | "Genomics and Bioinformatics", (African Biosciences Training Institute), 10th April, 2019 to 12th April, 2019; African Biosciences Training Institute, Ibadan Nigeria |
2 | "Animal Health as a tool for National Economic Diversification", (Veterinary Council of Nigeria, Continuing Education), 14th July, 2016 to 14th July, 2016; Emmaus House Complex, Awka, Anambra State. |
3 | "Research Grant Proposal Writing Worshop", (CHALADDDRAT), 26th May, 2015 to 27th May, 2015; Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State |
4 | "General Aquaculture Training", (African Regional Aquaculture Centre), 20th April, 2015 to 25th April, 2015; African Regional Aquaculture Centre, Rivers State. |
5 | "Transboundary Animal Disease Control", (Veterinary Council of Nigeria), 18th August, 2014 to 18th August, 2014; Imo State Government House Owerri |
6 | "Fish Health Management Workshop", (Fisheries and Wild Life Unit, Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine.), 1st July, 2014 to 3rd July, 2014; University of Ibadan |
7 | "Alkaline Water in Human and Fish Health", (Christian Veterinarians of Nigerial (CVN)), 28th August, 2013 to 28th August, 2013; Emmaus House Complex, Awka, Anambra State. |
8 | "Aquatic Medicine in Fish Farming", (Veterinary Council of Nigeria), 27th September, 2012 to 27th September, 2012; Federal University of Agriculture, Abeaokuta. |
Webinars | |
1 | "Professional Development Course", (University of Washington), 5th October, 2022 to 14th December, 2022; zoom |
2 | "Professional Continuing Education Courses", (Veterinary Council of Nigeria), 22nd June, 2022 to 22nd June, 2022; zoom |
3 | "Professional Accounting Education Courses", (Veterinary Council of Nigeria), 28th July, 2021 to 29th July, 2021; zoom |
4 | "Professional Development Course", (University of Washington), zoom |