Okechukwu Charles Esimone

Okechukwu Charles Esimone is a PROFESSOR in PHARMACEUTICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY Department, Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Nnamdi Azikiwe University

 Okechukwu Charles Esimone

Personal Information

Pharmaceutical Microbiology And Biotechnology, Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

Academic Qualifications

Degrees / Basic Certificates
1University of Nigeria, Nsukka. (Doctor of Philosophy, August, 2002)
January, 1999 to August, 2002
Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D) Pharmaceutics (Pharmaceutical Microbiology)
2University of Nigeria, Nsukka. (Master Degree, March, 1998)
September, 1995 to March, 1998
Master Of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) Pharmaceutics (Pharmaceutical Microbiology)
3University of Nigeria, Nsukka. (Bachelor Degree, July, 1995)
September, 1990 to July, 1995
Bachelor Of Pharmacy Pharmacy

Relevant/Working Experience

1Vice-chancellor, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
May, 2019 to Present
2Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), Nnamdi Azikiwe University
November, 2014 to November, 2018
3Chairman, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Biomedical Research Committee
November, 2013 to Present
4National President, Nanomedicine Society of Nigeria
November, 2013 to November, 2014
5L) Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
June, 2010 to June, 2014
6Member, Governing Council, Pharmacists Council of Nigeria
January, 2010 to December, 2014
7Pioneer Dean Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
October, 2009 to June, 2014

Academic Leadership Qualities

1Collaborator: "ACGH Award for Research Support" (June, 2020 to June, 2021). Completed sponsored grant by American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH)
2Awardee: "Efficacy and safety of Syferol-IHP for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease: a pilot, double-blind randomized trial" (May, 2016 to May, 2018). Completed sponsored grant by Bioresources Development Group
3Collaborator: "African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship Grant" (June, 2012 to June, 2013). Completed sponsored grant by The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) in partnership with the International Deve
4Collaborator: "Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship" (July, 2011 to January, 2012). Completed sponsored grant by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT)
5Awardee: "Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship Award" (November, 2003 to November, 2005). Completed sponsored grant by The Humboldt Foundation

Membership of Professional/Relevant Bodies

1Fellow Member, "Nigeria Academy of Science" (member since 2017), https://nas.org.ng/
2Full Member, "Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria" (member since 2014), https://www.ipan.gov.ng/pages/?c=public%20analyst#:~:text=The%20Institute%20of%20Public%20Analysts%20of%20Nigeria%20%28IPAN%29,examine%2C%20register%20Public%20Analysts%20and%20regulate%20their%20prac
3Fellow Member, "CV Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers" (member since 2013), https://iisc.ac.in/post-docs/
4Fellow Member, "Alexander von Humboldt Foundation" (member since 2003), https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/
5Fellow Member, "Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria" (member since 1996), https://psnnational.org/